New 3 and 5 woods are available!

Posted by Tyler Sullivan on

New Golf Clubs for 2014 - 3 wood and 5 are now available.

We are extremely excited to announce that we have expanded our golf driver line into a full set of fairway woods. We are offering a 3 wood and 5 wood to complete our Grenade golf fairway woods line. The 3 wood and 5 wood are similar to the golf driver in design and are each hand assembled in Vermont, USA.

The 3 wood and 5 wood use the same Dual Cavity design that has made our golf driver so popular. The Dual Cavity design has been modified to accommodate for swinging off the deck. In addition, we engineered a thinner crown and thicker sole to help golfers when in hitting from shallow divots and thick rough.

Specifications for your information:

Grenade Club Head Specs
Face Material: Carpenter Marging Alloy
Hosel Depth: 34mm
Weight: 211 grams
Face Angle: 0.5*
Size: 160cc
Lie: 57*

The 3 wood and 5 wood golf clubs have shown very high smash factors and ball speeds. We use a C455 face plate that is vacuum heat treated to create a higher COR and better feel. In addition to the club head design and manufacturing process we are using the same high quality shaft by Matrix for our 3 wood and 5 wood fairway woods.

If you aren't sure what flex you need, fill out our free online fitting form!

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What will happen to golf retail?

Posted by Tyler Sullivan on

What does the future hold for golf retail?

Golf retail and retail in general is going through massive changes. What I mean by changes, is layoffs and declining sales. A very common problem that is rarely talked about, is called "showrooming." Here is a better description than I can offer from Wikipedia.

"Showrooming is the practice of examining merchandise in a traditional brick and mortar retail store without purchasing it, but then shopping online to find a lower price for the same item. Online often offer lower prices than their brick and mortar counterparts, because they do not have the same overhead costs. Showrooming can be costly to retailers, not only in terms of the loss of the sale, but also due to damage caused to the store's floor samples of a product through constant examination from consumers.

Showrooming was said to be behind the collapse of UK photography chain Jessops and Target's decision to discontinue carrying the Amazon Kindle." Wikipedia

So if you are a retail store owner, what can be done? Well, not much. Sell value and service plans but the ability to purchase online has become so common and easy that it is becoming the norm over physically walking into a store and purchasing a product.

Ok, so what does that mean for GOLF. Golfer's typically want to swing or try golf equipment before making a purchase. But online golf companies with great return policies are able to get over the hurdle of trying before buying. Also, selling direct to consumer via the web allows manufacturers to offer better prices since no re-seller or middle man is involved.

We us the direct to consumer approach to offer the finest quality at great prices. So, be prepared golf retail will be changing...and a lot sooner than many are thinking.

Do you buy online or do you still go into the store to buy your golf equipment?

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What is a Semi-Custom Golf Club? Well we made it up...

Posted by Tyler Sullivan on

Everyone is familiar with your standard golf club.

Here is our definition:

The next category of golf clubs, needs a new category.

Custom Golf Club: When, I think of custom golf clubs I think of an in-person club fitting that is 100% custom to the person. This process is the least popular but best defines custom, as the golfer is measured by a club fitter and the fitter builds the club by hand for that individual.

So that's all the categories of clubs right? Pre-built or built custom to you in person. Well, no. We are missing a growing category, that I am proud to call "SEMI-CUSTOM."

Semi-Custom Golf Club: This new category best explains how we build our golf clubs. Each golf club is hand assembled for the individual that ordered it, but no in person fitting process has been completed. Our online fitting and/or discussions allows us to create a semi-custom golf club that can help maximize your game without going through a full fitting process.

We also offer a "standard" set up, meaning that if we were sold in retail what length we would build our clubs to.

Standard golf club, custom golf club, and now SEMI-CUSTOM golf club.

Which type of golf club will you choose?

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The future is quality - From Beer to Golf

Posted by Tyler Sullivan on

The future is quality - From Beer to Golf

I have been trying to write this blog post for a few weeks. But every time I write it, I end up deleting it because I can't seem to get the point across. So here I go again.

The future is quality - from the beer industry to the golf industry

Have you noticed that the number of craft brews has increased dramatically? Well if you haven't...You probably don't drink beer, which is OK too. The small guy, craft brewers that is, are gaining momentum and having amazing success bringing their distinct quality products to market. A market that is almost as competitive as the golf market.

So how can these small craft brews compete against other brands.It is a simple approach. High quality ingredients and a focus on premium flavor regardless of cost to produce. When you produce a product that performs or taste better, you will be successful. So why haven't the big beer companies done this? Costs. Although they generate huge revenue, their focus is on their marketing campaigns and stock prices. This approach takes the quality out of the equation.

Here is the question I always get..."Well, why do the pros play their equipment?"

1. Most pros are compensated or endorsed to play certain equipment. I can't blame them for wanting to make money.

2. The equipment the pros play is not the same equipment sold in retail. The equipment they play is tour quality and built for them, but you know that already.

The next question I get is...."Well, why don't any pros play BombTech golf equipment?" We will not pay golfers to play our equipment. Then we would be like all the other big brand golf companies. Which would lead to increased ad spend that would either lead to lesser quality product or increased costs to you. This is the exact reason why BombTech golf exists, higher quality sold direct to you!

So will the future be, smaller companies that offer higher quality. For the consumers, I hope so!

What do you think?? 

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Do golf sponsorship's matter?

Posted by Tyler Sullivan on

Do golf sponsorship's matter? Or better question do you care what the pros play?

If you are the golfer being sponsored and more importantly being paid well, then yes. But what does that sponsored athlete do for the company sponsoring them. Obviously the hope is that more people will see the brand and be familiar with the company or products.

Some of the larger companies have so many staffers and budgeted so much to pure marketing that they sacrifice on product quality. For this reason, we exist! Knowing that the big brands can't spend over XX dollars on each product allows "smaller" companies to spend more on product quality, materials and more and still be competitive on price.

I wish I could sponsor everyone and support each golfer in their quest to be better. But if I did this I would be like the big brands and would not be able to focus on product quality and performance.

Although I can't offer you a traditional sponsorship. BombTech golf has developed a refer a friend program that is designed to reward you for a simple referral. This is not as glamorous as being a sponsored, but it can help you generate additional income for spreading the word about BombTech golf. Which is the point of sponsorship's right?

So do golf sponsorship's matter?

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