This is episode 2, Quest for 80, this is our second day at the range don’t even video tape this it is so bad. Nick make it into a video. Okay I am challenge Chris and Alex out of 3 balls closest to the pin, how far is that 30 yards?
This is not a real outfit for golf, this is impromptu, 60 degree, quest for 80. Here we go episode 2, that is freaking in. Pin high, 13 feet, 18? Woah Chris, keep dreaming. Alright here we go, not enough cock on that one, too stiff. I was playing the bank. There it is, that’s good dude, that’s like what 4 feet? Quest for 80 episode 2 who’s up next?
Alex is feeling it, no chance. Sounded short, short right. Same thing dude, feeling the pressure dude, to sober. Oh man dude 3 in a row, I would have made the putt, now you’re just lying.
Alright Chris, the coldest day and he only has one jacket on. What do you got, BombTech 60? Roast his swing boys, dude watch skull it. I like wins it first shot *Hits pin* oh my god dude, it bounced away dude, bounced away. You weren’t when I plunked it from 50, that didn’t happen, yea that didn’t happen don’t believe me. Oh, Chris is feeling it this year, he is going from a 27 handicap to a 23. What kind of idiot hits the pin? Talking and swinging, plays it short, bump and run, no chance. Those are close, sudden death?
I will do a sudden death just to appease you, I’ll go run out there right now dude. Closest one shot, I don’t like it, well that sucked. 30 yards or closer? He is not a pressure player, short, both sucked but that was better.
I am just going to put this in, that game is over, Chris won whatever.
Tyler “Sully” Sullivan
BombTech Golf Owner and Founder