13 Ways to Prevent & Treat Golfing Blisters

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Golf blisters are more common than you may think and if you’ve ever experienced them, know that you’re not the only one and that even experienced players face this inconvenience every once in a while. However, the truth is they tend to be quite troublesome and painful and can hinder your game and everyday activities.

Whether you're a mid handicap, high, or low-handicap player, chances are you’ll find yourself in this situation sooner or later. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent your hands or feet from blistering, and effective methods to treat it if it does occur, so you can go back to your game and your precious equipment including one of the best golf drivers for 90-100 mph swing speed you just got this year.

How do I prevent blisters when golfing?

Why fear blisters and all the inconveniences they carry when there are things you can do to prevent them from occurring? These tips will help you reduce that risk to a minimum:

Keeping the hands and feet dry

Getting high-quality waterproof gloves and golf shoes is a must so you can stay protected during rainy weather and wet conditions. If your feet or hands get moist, you’re on the right way to getting a blister by the end of the game.

Invest in quality socks

There are special acrylic or anti-blister socks that have extra padding. They feature a soft texture which helps decrease the friction that occurs inside your shoes as you walk or move, reducing the risk of blistering.

Ensure your shoes fit perfectly

Finding proper golf shoes that fit is one of the most essential steps. If you experience any kind of discomfort or pain once you get off the course, it’s possible that your shoes aren’t a perfect match.

There are a lot of different styles and brands available today so it shouldn’t be difficult to find the pair that fits you best. However, keep in mind that different manufacturers tend to have different sizing, so be careful if you’re switching between brands.

Start using foot powder

Powder helps create a less favorable environment for blisters inside your shoes. It helps reduce friction and prevent dampness, which are two crucial factors that cause blistering.

Wear your golf glove

Wearing your glove is one of the most effective and easy ways to prevent blistering. It’s a great way to protect your skin and not worry about the gripping pressure while you proudly take a hit with your best golf driver for 90-100 mph swing speed. Moreover, quality gloves are also moisture-wicking, which helps you ensure your hands are dry.

Regrip regularly

Other than being less effective, old grips tend to hold on to bacteria, dirt, and sand, which will only worsen your situation with blisters. With new grips, you won’t have to worry about dirt, and you’ll also be able to get a better handle of your club, allowing for a more natural movement. If you play regularly, you should consider regripping a couple of times a year.

Avoid practicing for too long

Practicing is important. However, spending too much time practicing creates perfect conditions for blisters which then affects your performance in the following rounds and causes pain and discomfort.

How do I treat blisters if they appear?

When you do get a blister, you want to do everything you can to heal as soon as possible so you can go back to fully enjoying your game. The following are some of the best methods you can apply:

Always keep your glove on

Wearing your golf glove throughout the game will help prevent worsening the condition. It works as a protective layer which probably wasn’t there before, when the blister was created.

Opt for golf tape

If you’re having trouble with two specific areas on your hand or if your fingers rub together as you swing, then golf tape is perfect for you. You can wrap it around your knuckles or fingers before starting the game and it will prevent the blisters from getting worse.

Vaseline or neosporin

Both vaseline and neosporin will help you make sure you adequately protect blisters and also facilitate healing. However, you should always take care that the blisters are clean, especially before applying these ointments in order to prevent any infections.

Have a break

Taking a short break from your favorite game is sometimes a necessary and most efficient way to treat your blister and allow it to heal as soon as possible. It can be difficult to make this decision, since we all just want more hours on the course, but if you give yourself a couple of days off, it can be just enough for your blister to heal on its own.

Bandages and bandaids

There’s a variety of blister bandages and bandaids you can use on your blisters on your foot or hand. They provide cushioned protection and bring and help relieve the pain. However, you should replace them frequently to keep the affected area clean.

Keep your hands clean

Finally, what matters most is keeping your hands always clean. If a blister becomes infected, it will take much longer to heal, and definitely cause greater discomfort. Keeping it free from germs and bacteria will prevent further complications and shorten healing time.

Where can I purchase the best mid handicap golf driver for 90-100 mph swing speed in 2022?

While blisters can take away from the precious time you spend on the course, you can view it as an opportunity to expand your knowledge about the game and discover some interesting facts about it, learn all about the types of hazards or the parts that make the course, or even find out more about the terms you haven’t heard before and about how much fun you can have playing five-player games.

Another great way to use this spare time is to browse our website for your next piece among the high-quality irons, wedges, and drivers we offer. BombTech designs and manufactures premium golf equipment for your best gaming experience. Check our website today.

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6 Five-Player Golfing Methods to Try Out

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A lot of players assume that a game of golf can’t be fun without an even number of players, and therefore typically play in groups of 2 or 4. However, this isn’t quite the case, and there’s a plethora of amazing games that a group of 5 golfers can enjoy.

Why not make room for one more friend, colleague or business partner, have fun trying out new methods and not miss an opportunity to show off your top rated golf irons? Once you get the hang of the rules, you may find this team format even more amusing.

What are some interesting five-player games?

Exploring new methods and ways of playing can be exciting, so let’s take a look at the rules of some of the most amusing five-player games:

Two carts

Two carts is a great choice if you also want added exercise. As you can induce, it’s possible to drive only 2 carts, which leaves room for only 4 players. However, all 5 players start off following the regular rules – they tee off on the first hole, each of them adding up their shots. The player who has the highest number of strokes at the end of the first hole remains without a seat and walks to the next hole.

The fun starts when the unlucky fellow has to go on foot while the other 4 golfers enjoy a comfortable ride. However, they can regain the position in one of the carts by not having the highest score again.


Wolf could easily be one of the most exciting gambling games as there’s no particular rule about the stakes and it can be whatever your group decides. The game begins by all the players gathering close to the first tee box in order to decide which golfer will be the wolf on the first hole.

Spinning a tee until you establish the rotation is the easiest way to go about it, but you can also get creative and invent your own ways. What matters is that each player should be the wolf at least once. Being a wolf brings you advantages such as choosing whether you’d like to be a lone wolf or play with a teammate and being the first one to tee off on the hole with your top rated golf iron.

Once you hit your tee ball you can announce that you’re the lone wolf, but you can also choose to wait until the other players take their tee shots. When you’re a lone wolf, winning the hole gets you 2 points instead of 1. In case you lose, the other 4 golfers get 1 point each.

Wolf allows for a range of variations. For instance, you can choose to play for a set amount or agree to change bets on each hole.

Round Robin

One of the games that never get dull is definitely Round Robin. The matchups rotate every 3 or 6 holes, so there’s no one team that dominates the entire round. In fact, a team of 3 players opposes the other 2, and once they finish 3 or 6 holes, the golfers must rotate and re-pair.

When re-pairing, you can always go for tee spinning – your next partner is the player the tee points to. Another way is to throw the balls toward a specific target and form the groups according to the result so that the three balls closest to the target make one team and the remaining two the other team.

Each player keeps their own results and the number of matches they won. Finally, the winner is the one with the most matches won at the end of the round.

Best ball scramble

Best ball scramble is a wonderful game when you want to relax and leave competing aside to purely enjoy the beauty of golf. In this game, all the players are on the same team and each of them hits their ball off the tee. All the players together decide who had the best drive, then everyone goes to that position to hit their second shot. This way of rotation goes on until you complete the hole.

High vs. low

While this game is typically played in a group of four, it also works great for five golfers. The teams form in such a way that the two players with the lowest handicaps play together against the three players with the highest handicaps.

The players then follow the same rotation as in the best ball scramble and keep record of their scores at the end of each hole. If one team’s losing heavily you can switch up once you’ve played 9 holes. The goal of the entire concept is to keep everything as competitive and fun as possible.


Rather than following the traditional stroke method, Stableford has its own scoring system. A bogey is worth 1 point, pars score you 2, birdies get you 3, eagles count as 4, and an albatros counts as 5 points.

This game doesn’t penalize you for bad holes, you simply don’t get any points for it. You can decide if you’d like to have every golfer playing for themselves or go for the 2 vs. 3 format. Finally, the winner is the golfer with the highest score.

Where can I find top rated golf irons for sale in 2022?

Enhancing your game takes patience and practice, but it also requires you to get acquainted with important aspects of the game such as the parts that make the golf course and the different types of hazards. Going even further to discover some surprising facts about the course, learn interesting golfing expressions, and find the right way to treat and prevent blisterswill only make it easier.

Getting high-quality premium equipment from BombTech is another inevitable step to ensure ultimate precision and the best gaming experience. We offer advanced golf equipment at affordable prices, and a 60-day return policy for your peace of mind. Browse our products today!

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9 Interesting Facts About Golf Courses

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The incredible feeling of stepping onto a golf course is indescribable. It's like walking into a whole new world, a world where the grass is greener, the air is fresher, and the sun shines just a little bit brighter. It's a place where you can forget all your troubles and just focus on hitting that little white ball.

However, that’s not the only interesting thing about golf courses. These havens of peace and relaxation have a fascinating history and evolution, and you should take the time to explore these aspects of the game further besides only focusing on your backswing, posture, drive, and so on.

Due to their layout type and size, golf courses play a vital role in the game of golf. Every shot is unique, which contributes to the sport's unpredictability and addictiveness. So, before you go out to buy the best golf irons for mid-handicappers and other equipment, get to know a little bit about the history, features, and surprising facts about golf courses.

What should I know about golf courses?

Golf courses can be found in nearly every country in the world and come in all shapes and sizes. From the sprawling 18-hole layouts to the more intimate 9-hole tracks, there is a course to suit every golfer’s taste. No matter if you’re a seasoned golf veteran or if you’re just picking up the stick, there are certain interesting facts about golf courses you may not know. If nothing more, just to pique your interest a bit more.

1. The world’s oldest golf course is in Scotland

Scotland is home to the oldest golf course in the world, with records of golf being played there as far back as the 15th century. The course has a unique layout, consisting of 22 holes (11 out and 11 back), which are played in order before repeating the cycle. Much like tennis with Wimbledon, It’s considered by many to be the home of golf.

2. The world’s largest golf complex is in China

Founded in 1992 and located in Shenzhen, China, this behemoth of a course features 12 courses and 396 holes. It was designed by some of the biggest names in golf and it covers an area of more than 2,000 acres.

3. You can play golf on an active volcano

In Hawaii, you can tee off from a volcano. The course is situated on lava fields that were created by eruptions in the late 1800s and early 1900s, offering a unique experience and challenge to all those players willing to dare tread its ground.

4. The longest hole in golf is on a par-6 course in Australia

One of the most interesting golf courses in the world is a par-6 17th hole in Australia. It’s officially recognised by Guinness World Records as the longest hole in golf. Measuring a staggering 855 yards (781 meters), this hole is not for the faint-hearted.

5. You can tee off from the top of Africa’s tallest building

For those looking for a truly unique golf course, how about teeing off with one of the best golf irons for mid-handicappers from the top of Africa’s tallest building? The Burj Khalifa in Dubai stands at an incredible 2,717 feet (828 meters), and there is a special ‘Top of the World’ tees box located on the 124th floor where you can take on the challenge.

6. Expert golfers are the best golf course designers

While some might not think that being a good golfer would necessarily make one a good designer, there is actually quite a bit of overlap between the two skill sets. Both require a keen eye for detail, as well as a deep understanding of how the game of golf is played. In fact, many of the most successful course designers are also experienced golfers themselves. So, besides accomplishing a lot on the course, you can maybe pursue a career at course design as well.

7. Courses have a cooling effect

Golf courses provide a refuge from the summer heat. The typical temperature on a golf course is 5-7 degrees cooler than in an urban downtown setting, and 7-15 degrees colder than a residential area. This is due to its large, open expanses of turfgrass, trees, and other vegetation.

8. Healing takes time

There’s an art to golf course maintenance, and there’s nothing that signifies it better than the fact that it takes two to three days for a ball mark to heal if an expert has taken the time to repair it. However, without proper course maintenance, it can take as many as 15 to 20 days for the ball mark to completely heal, and even then the “wound” might never be the same again.

9. Courses breathe

And not only that, they also produce oxygen as well. An average 18-hole course can produce so much oxygen that it can support anywhere from four thousand to seven thousand people. As surprising as this is, maybe it shouldn’t be, as a regular course covers between 125 and 150 acres, which is plenty of breathing room for all the green.

Where can I find the best golf irons sets for 2022 I can use for all types of play?

Before you set foot on the putting green, you’ll need to work on your backswing. What better way to start than with BombTech Golf’s cutting-edge golf equipment and clubs? We’re an online-based store offering fair and competitive pricing, suitable for all golfing enthusiasts and all types of golf games.

If you’re not satisfied with a product you bought from us, we offer a wide-ranging 60-day return policy. Simply ship the items back to us, and we’ll take it from there. With 15,000 five-star reviews and over 600,000 clubs sold, find out why we’re the go-to spot for all things golf! Ensure you avoid the hazards on the course by checking out our stock today and treating yourself to premium equipment at a reasonable price!

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4 Types of Hazards on Golf Courses

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Hazards can be quite intimidating, especially if you're only starting your journey through the lovely paths of the golf course. However, as you evolve and become more adept at different styles of play and courses, you’ll discover that you can use some of the hazards to your own advantage, while others inevitably go against you.

Different factors can affect the way you perceive these hazards, the main being your opponents. If you’re playing against yourself, trying to win an all-time score, each of the hazards is your own obstacle. However, when you’re playing against another player, these hazards become your opponent’s obstacles as well, which is something to keep in mind.

What can you do to successfully overcome these obstacles? One way to master them and their potential advantages is to equip yourself with your finest clubs and pick the best golf wedges for mid-handicappers, but is it enough? What you also need to do is gather up substantial knowledge about them.

Why do golf courses have hazards?

The primary function of hazards is to make players create a strategy, incur potential penalties, and suggest to the player to carefully think about opting for a different route. They affect the intensity with which a golfer attacks the hole or the type of stroke he or she can play. Their diversity and effect on golfer’s play, both mental and physical, are what make the courses endearing and unique.  

However, hazards are also there for aesthetic qualities, making each course unique and more attractive for both the players and the potential spectators. Finally, their design often follows natural features of the terrain in order to preserve them whenever it’s possible. 

What are the types of hazards on the golf course?

When golfers discuss hazards, they typically mean anything that’s an obstacle on their way to a perfect score. However, the official rules say there are only two official categories of hazards present on various golf courses:


Waterfalls, ponds, and meandering streams make the golf course beautiful and unique, but they also add an exciting challenge to each visit to each round of golf. When you reach a stream, the sounds and energy of the flowing water provide some moments of tranquility. However, they don’t last for too long since you’ll quickly realize you need to keep the ball as far away from it as possible. 

Originally, the strategy of the game didn’t involve a lot of water bodies, but today, streams, ponds, creeks, wetlands, and lakes make a prevalent part of golf courses worldwide. 


Bunkers are hazards that have the ability to intimidate, delight, excite, and penalize players all at the same time. They intimidate players of any level due to their magnitude and depth, and if you land in one of them, it delights your opponents. They evolved in order to penalize bad execution.  

Whether they have high flashy sand, grass-faced banks, turf islands in the middle, or convoluted fingers, they provide a special sort of flow throughout the course, and can set it apart from others. 

Other types of hazards

You may face other amusing and not-so-amusing obstacles in an attempt to find the shortest way to the hole. Even if you boast your best golf wedge for 2022, they can be more or less difficult in comparison to water and bunkers, but you should certainly look to avoid them. These include:

  • Vegetation: Tall grass, plants and trees can be tricky opponents on the golf course. Making a shot into the overgrown bush or tall trees will significantly affect setting up your next stroke or even lead to completely losing a shot.
  • Wind: The impact of natural elements such as wind can pose a significant obstacle, but also help you make an excellent hit. Since it varies constantly, it’s always a refreshing attribute that ensures you play each hole a bit differently, depending on the strength and direction of the wind.
  • How do I deal with the golf course hazards?

    While you should always strive to keep your ball out of any hazards, the reality is a bit different, and you’ll occasionally end up in one. The good news is that you do have options to choose from and continue your play following one of them:

    Play the ball as it is

    You can always choose to continue playing from the ball’s location, unless, of course, it’s underwater. However, you should think carefully before making this decision. If you’re not sure whether you’re able to make firm contact with the ball and get it back to the fairway, it would be wiser to go for another option. 

    Stroke & distance relief

    This option is practically the same as when you strike it out of bounds and brings the most penalties of all the other options. If you go for it, you receive a one-stroke penalty and must return to where you made the last stroke. You should only choose this option if none other is possible. 

    Back on the line relief

    While this is one of the best options to take, it’s often the most confusing one as well. First, you need to identify the spot where the ball crossed the line of the hazard. Next, use that spot and the flagstick of the hole to draw a line. You can drop the ball on that line as far back as you’d like and the penalty is one stroke. 

    Lateral relief

    The lateral relief option is available for red hazards only. You identify the point where the ball crossed the line, then you can drop the ball within the length of two clubs. The penalty is one stroke. However, the spot where you place the ball can’t be closer to the hole than the point where the ball entered the hazard. 

    Who offers the best golf wedges for mid-handicappers in 2022?

    Mastering your golfing skills involves a lot of aspects including the versatility of course grass types, the characteristics of different course styles, as well as the variety of ways to play your game. Being aware of the elements the course comprises and other important course characteristics provides you with a full scope of knowledge and allows you to progress smoothly. 

    However, the one thing you can’t do without is the first-class equipment from BombTech Golf! We design, manufacture and meticulously test advanced clubs and equipment designed to give you an edge over your friends and competitors. We boast affordable prices and premium quality, providing our clients with the best gaming experience. What’s more, we offer a 60-day return policy designed for your maximum peace of mind. Visit our website today.

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    5 Parts of the Golf Course

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    When you’re preparing to go golfing, there are different things to take into consideration in order to plan out your match and pick the right equipment such as your best golf driver for distance. Apart from the design of the course, the weather, and the number of holes, there are different elements within each of the holes that every golfer should familiarize with before playing.

    There’s a total of 5 components of the golf course and understanding their characteristics and how they are organized can help you immensely when choosing the right club for your shot making it count. Whether you’re just discovering your passion or looking to perfect your game, understanding the details about these elements is crucial.

    But where do you start getting to grips with all the main elements of a golf course? How do you find out how to aptly prepare for each potential encounter and become capable of dealing with everything this beautiful game has to throw your way? No, picking up the best golf driver for 2022 isn’t enough, you need some bookish knowledge as well.

    What are the main components of golf courses?

    Since every course is different, studying its layout before beginning your play is crucial for a successful game. You should understand the position, the layout, and the organization of each hole and its sections. Being aware of the following features will help you avoid accruing a lot of strokes or having your ball end up in a hazard zone:

    The tee box

    This part marks the beginning of each hole and serves as the location of the tee, as the name itself implies. You can choose one of the spots in the box and tee up from there. This is where you take your initial shot for every hole. Each tee box typically comprises more than only one set of tees, which gives golfers of different skill levels the opportunity to choose the distance from which they’d like to take the opening shot.

    High-handicappers typically choose the tees closer to the fairway. There are normally two more spots – one for players of average skills, and the other for advanced players. The usual number of tees per one hole is three, but there can be up to six.

    The fairway

    The fairway is the short-cut grass zone between the hole and the tee. This is where you want your ball to go once you make the stroke, and its length usually varies between 30 and 50 feet. The short grass allows for an easy shot in this area as opposed to the other sections of the course. When taking your shot, you’ll want to aim for this part, since it’s the spot to stroke the ball from.

    When hitting your ball from the fairway you’ll have a better control of the shot, since the smooth surface allows the ball to spin more. If you can keep the ball in this area, then you’re in excellent shape for the follow-up and for a significantly better score.

    The putting green

    The putting green features the hole for which you’ve been aiming the entire game. It has closely cut grass, allowing the ball to roll steadily and giving you the possibility for putting the ball rather than hitting it long distance. However, the conditions can vary depending on the weather, precipitation, and temperature. 

    When it comes to the shape and size of this zone, there aren’t any standardized rules and it can vary significantly. However, it’s typically on a more elevated level than the fairway.  

    The rough

    The area around the fairway is called the rough due to the longer grass that makes the shots more difficult. With different grass levels, playing in the rough is quite unpredictable and players usually try to avoid it. However, if your ball does end up here, you’ll need to carefully assess the situation and pick your club accordingly. While it can be challenging, it will render you a more skilled golfer. 

    The hazards

    Course hazards are what makes the game more difficult, and they include creeks, ponds, bunkers, and lakes. While it’s obvious that you can lose your ball in a body of water, bunkers are also quite tricky. These are hollowed areas that are filled with sand and similar materials. 

    A hazard can be placed anywhere around the course, but you can recognize their location since they’re marked in different ways. Hazards between the green and the tee box have yellow stakes surrounding them, while those that don’t belong in this area or line the hole perimeter have red stakes around them. 

    If your ball ends up where you can no longer play it, such as in water, you’ll have to play another one and accrue penalty strokes. However, if it ends up in a bunker or pit, and you can still play it, you’ll be able to continue without any penalties. 

    What makes a golf course difficult to play?

    While there’s no clear definition of what makes a course difficult or easy to play, there are two aspects that significantly affect the way golfers perceive it. A general rule of thumb is that the higher the slope, the harder it is to deal with the course, and length is the other part that can render your game more challenging. Many players tend to make it harder by opting for the back tees, rather than teeing forward. 

    The best recipe to make a course less challenging is to familiarize yourself thoroughly with it before embarking on the game. 

    Where can I find the best golf driver for distance in 2022?

    In order to perfect your play, there’s more to it than just mastering the rules of it. You need to familiarize yourself with the different styles of golf courses, the typical types of golf course grass, but also the possible approaches to playing your game. If you do a bit more thorough research on this beautiful game, you’ll find some amazing facts about golf courses that will further help you improve. 

    However, to be able to give your best, you’ll need proper equipment, and this is where BombTech Golf becomes your best ally. We manufacture and design cutting-edge premium equipment and clubs for a great feel and performance at an affordable price. Plus, we offer our 60-day return policy for your peace of mind, so why waste anymore time, browse our stock today!

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