10 Strategy Tips for Successful Golf Course Management

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The journey of golf improvement is a never-ending quest for all enthusiast golfers. Numerous hours perfecting your swing and all the time spent at the range trying to get your drive better could end up meaning little if you’re not familiar with the staples of successful golf course management. And that’s a mistake that could end up costing you down the line. 

It’s a common situation for a golfer to practice their shots and entirely forget about this equally important aspect of the game. It’s similar to how you explore different golf club brands and types in an attempt to purchase the best full golf club set and advance your game. Without good technique, premium clubs can only get you so far. The same goes for golf course management. 

How do I manage a golf course better?

The main purpose of golf course management is to plan your game ahead of actually stepping onto the grass. Also, it’s vital to have several techniques ready in case things just don’t go your way at a certain point of the play. 

Enhancing your management of the course and adequately preparing for your round of golf will get your handicap going south faster than you can imagine. It will also make you a lot more efficient during play and give you an incredible boost of confidence for having a strategy planned. Let’s take a look and see the 10 staples of good golf course management. 

1. Preview the entire course before playing

Your round of golf begins before you ever step foot on the grass and line up for the first drive of the day. You should first do your homework and closely examine the entire golf course you’ll be playing the next day. 

Pay attention to all the potential hazards, tight spots, as well as areas where you’ll feel most certain with your shots. This way, you’ll know what to expect from your round of golf and adequately prepare for all the different challenges a certain golf course can bring. 

2. Be familiar with your yardages

This is not something you should guess as you face an unfamiliar golf course. Even if you’re playing a golf course for the one hundredth time, you should also know your exact yardages in order to lower your handicap as much as possible. 

Being as familiar as possible with your yardages helps you reach the green with approach shots and allows you to properly plan your play during all the holes. Also, yardages show you just how many shots you can expect for each, especially when combined with thorough course research. 

3. Always have a go-to yardage

Most golfers will hit poor shots if they have to take a bit off their fullest swing in order to compensate for certain situations on the course. This is why it’s important to have a favorite yardage you’re confident in hitting in full force from different angles. If this means that you should take a shorter club to achieve it, go for it. You’ll see your handicap improve. 

4. Consider the conditions of the course

When performing your research of the course, you have to pay special attention to its unique conditions. Some of these include the firmness of greens and fairways, allowing you to better plan your approach shots. For example, hard fairways and greens will enhance the bounces of your shots, which is something that you have to think about when planning your next move. 

5. Have a favorite club you feel good with

Always have a favorite, go-to golf club type from your full golf club set that you can fall back on if things aren’t going your way at a certain point. Mental game is just as important as hitting the spots you’re aiming for. 

That’s why you should have a club that feels good and that you can fall back on in case you get in trouble at the course. This will give you back your confidence when you need it most and get you back on track. 

6. Let your feelings go

Talking about emotions – let them go. There’s little worse on the course than allowing one or two poor shots to impact the rest of your game. There’s a mental rule in golf that says that the only important shot is the next one you make. Take this to heart and remember it. Dwelling on the past only negatively affects your subsequent shots. 

7. Be realistic about your limits

Every golfer falls into the trap of trying to achieve too much and playing above their current limitations. This leads to numerous mistakes that stem from the desire to improve your game. However, playing above your limitations can only set you back. Instead, know your limits and play accordingly. Work on them slowly and you’ll see your game improve faster than overexerting yourself too quickly. 

8. Putt without stress

When you reach the green and start preparing for the putt, try to clear your mind and allow yourself complete peace as you approach the shot with your putter in hand. Three-putts are the bane of many golfers, and they happen due to improper technique as well as mental strain. Instead, focus on controlling your distance and clearing your mind before touching the golf ball. 

9. Be mindful of downhills

Speaking of putting – don’t forget the downhill areas of the green and the rest of the course. This is an essential aspect of adequately planning your shots. Downhill sections combined with fast and firm greens can get your ball up to unwanted speeds. Hitting your shots too aggressively will see you lose control quickly, so be mindful of the slopes and the speed. 

10. Know where the no-go areas are

Finally, when inspecting the entire course, pinpoint the areas you don’t want to end up in and try to stay as far away from them as possible while you’re playing. This will give you greater control over the entire course and allow you more confidence in your ability as you’re playing. 

What is the leading brand for full golf club sets?

Managing your golf course, whether it’s familiar or not, is an essential aspect of the game. Improper golf course management can lead to high handicaps and an overall unsatisfactory play. In fact, management is just as important as learning how to properly golf when it’s raining and adopting the techniques that allow you to play good golf during winter

Then, once you’ve learned how to manage your game on any golf course, take a look at the vital terminology associated with golf and use it to explore additional techniques that could help you improve your swing. Finally, explore the methods for preventing golf-related injuries. You don’t want to sustain an injury that would keep you off the course. 

Also, don’t forget to purchase the finest clubs you can find. That’s why you should visit BombTech Golf. We offer top of the line clubs at a price you can afford by selling exclusively online and eliminating our overhead costs. We believe that every enthusiast deserves golf clubs they can rely on for many years to come. Explore our website and see what it is we offer!

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5 Common Golf Injuries & How to Prevent Them

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Golf is widely considered to be a low-impact sport, especially for the average enthusiast. However, that doesn’t mean it comes without its set of physical demands and potential for different types of injuries. In fact, golf is associated with several injuries that mostly stem from overuse of certain areas of the body and poor mechanics and technique. 

Any golfing injury will set you back for some time, especially if it has to do with your lower back. This makes various techniques for preventing injuries in golf an essential part of your routine. There’s no point in purchasing the most forgiving golf irons after exploring numerous new golf irons reviews for 2022 only to be prevented from using them due to an injury. 

What are the common injuries in golf?

The sad truth is that the majority of golfing enthusiasts suffer an injury or two during their career. The severity of the injuries varies, and the single biggest factor in preventing both serious and less serious injuries is adequate preparation for the game. 

Not all golf-related injuries are equally common – some appear more frequently than others. This means that you should focus your efforts on preventing those injuries that appear in the highest number of golfers. That’s exactly what we’re here to help you with. We’ve prepared a list of five most common golf injuries and what you can do to avoid them: 

1. Pain in your lower back

Injuries of the lower back and the spine are among the most common with golfers. The single biggest cause of such injuries is improper technique of the swing. If a swing is too forceful and too rough, it can easily strain your back muscles and place unwanted pressure on discs and ligaments of the spine. However, there are many things you can do to avoid sustaining such injuries:

  • Warm up

First and foremost – if you’re looking to prevent most injuries, including lower back and spine problems, it’s essential that you properly warm up before your round of golf. This loosens your muscles, enhances flexibility, and makes you less susceptible to injuries while you’re playing. Also, don’t forget to perform post-golf stretches too, as these help you cool down and clear out the buildup of lactic acid in your body that’s accumulated during your game. 

  • Focus on the swing

Incorrect swing that places unnecessary strain on your spine and lower back is the biggest cause of these injuries. That’s why you should work on your technique and ensure a controlled and smooth swing that allows you to hit the golf ball hard without overexerting your back. Also, remember to bend your knees, keep your feet apart by the width of your shoulders, and ensure your body is in perfect alignment and balance before the swing. 

  • Enhance the strength of your upper body

Finally, you have to think about your upper body strength and make sure your back and core muscles are strong enough to support the physical strain of even the most proper swing. You have to make your body as strong as possible to minimize the potential for sustaining such injuries. 

2. Golfer’s elbow

This is another extremely common golf-associated injury, as its name also suggests. This is a type of tendonitis that inflames the tendons around the elbow. Some of the frequent symptoms of golfer’s elbow include: 

  • Difficulty creating a fist
  • Discomfort when attempting twisting movement
  • Difficulty bending and lifting your arm
  • Difficulty when trying to swing your golf club
  • Pain and tenderness in the elbow

However, don’t despair thinking you’ll have to combat the golfer's elbow. There’s a lot you can do to stop this injury from rearing its ugly head. Besides purchasing the most forgiving new irons for 2022 based on good reviews, you should also do a lot with your body:

  • Strengthen forearm muscles

First and foremost, golfer’s elbow prevention boils down to having strong forearm muscles. What’s more, you have to pay attention to stretching those muscles prior to every game, and cooling them down afterward. Use light dumbbells or squeeze tennis balls with your hands to give additional support to your forearm and elbow. 

  • Practice the grip

Gripping your club too strongly can harm your elbow. You have to find the right balance between a secure grip and overdoing it. On a scale of 1 to 10, try to keep your grip pressure around six. Anything more could harm your elbow. 

3. Wrist injuries

Also very common with golfers, injuries with your wrist can be caused by numerous reasons. Some of the most common causes of wrist discomfort include clubs that don’t fit you well and poor swing technique that places too much pressure and strain on your lead arm wrist. As this is an injury that can keep you off the course for some time, it’s important to prevent it: 

  • Work on conditioning and strength

Although it seems repetitive, one of the most useful techniques for injury prevention is raising your strength and conditioning. Again, work up the strength of your wrists with different exercises and remember to stretch your wrists properly before every round of golf. 

  • Refine your technique

Wrist injuries most frequently occur when you’re trying to hit the ball out of the rough, as this is where improper technique will strain your wrists the most. If it doesn’t feel good and you feel your swing placing unwanted pressure on your lead wrist, it’s time to refine your technique.

4. Shoulder Pain

Perhaps the most unpleasant injury related to golf, pain in your shoulder can stop you from freely lifting and lowering your arm and cause massive discomfort during other movements as well. Most commonly, shoulder injuries affect your lead shoulder and are usually caused by improper rotation during your backswing. Here’s a quick look at how you can stop that from happening: 

  • Use a proper technique

It’s important to turn your entire body away fully and correctly during the backswing portion of your swing. Also, make sure to keep the feet shoulder-width apart and secure a straight spine. Otherwise, you risk injuring your shoulders. Also, don’t forget about your pre and post-game stretches. 

5. Knee pain

Finally, problems with your knees are also very frequent with golfers. This issue occurs due to restricted rotation of your hip when you’re starting your swing. If you have weak stabilizer muscles, they will restrict proper hip movement during this portion of the swing, causing your body to overly rely on your knees, ultimately leading to an injury. Here’s what you can do to prevent it: 

  • Perform exercises for strengthening hips and knees

The key to avoiding knee injuries is to perform special hip and knee-stretching exercises prior to your round of golf. Pre-golf stretches prepare your knees and hip for what’s to come, while post-golf stretches eliminate unwanted buildup of lactic acid. 

  • Practice body mechanics

You also have to practice proper body mechanics to ensure you don’t sustain a knee injury while playing golf. This includes slightly turning out your feet while swinging to reduce knee pressure and doing all you can to maintain an upward stance as you play. 

Who manufactures the most forgiving new golf irons I can purchase in 2022?

Preventing injuries in golf is one of the most important aspects of the game. Avoiding injuries allows you to keep improving and not allow yourself to get bogged down with unplanned absences. That’s why it’s essential to know how to play golf in the rain and adequately play golf when it’s cold and snowy. Playing improperly in harsh weather can easily lead to injuries.

Besides that, it’s important to assess other aspects of your game if you’re set on improving. First, explore the methods of improving your swing without making drastic changes to it. Also, get familiar with the most important golf terminology and use it to advance. Finally, learn how to properly manage unfamiliar golf courses and not stumble on them. 

However, there’s little you can do to enhance your golfing if you don’t have the right tools for the job. Visit BombTech Golf and explore our selection of premium golf clubs for both high and low-handicappers. Our clubs will help you elevate your golf without paying an eye watering price. We sell only online, which is how we give such prices for quality. Browse our stock today!

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Golf Terminology 101: Essential Golf Lingo Every Player Should Know

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Every field of human activity inevitably develops its own unique jargon, and golf is no exception. In fact, golfers have taken slang to a whole new level. Newcomers to the world of golf may find themselves wondering if they'd accidentally strolled into a birdwatcher convention, with all those mentions of albatrosses, eagles, and other birdies being thrown around.

To make your life easier and give you something to do while you're waiting for your new golf equipment to arrive from your preferred online golfing store, we've prepared a list of official and slang terms every golfer should know.

What are the essential golf-related terms to know?

Before getting to the actual terminology, remember that everyone was new at some point. There's no shame in not knowing every single term. That being said, if common golf terms sound like an alien language to you, you should take a few minutes to study the following list before packing your golf equipment and heading to your local golf club.

Must-know golf terms for beginners include:

  • Birdie. This is a 1 shot below par. For example, let's say you're playing a par-4: scoring a 3 on the hole would mean you scored a birdie.
  • Eagle. This is when you score 2 shots below par, eg., scoring 2 on the hole while playing a par-4.
  • Albatross, or double eagle, is when you hole out your second shot on par-5. This is a very rare occurrence for high-handicappers.
  • Bogey. This is when you finish the hole in 1 more stroke than the par (eg., 5 strokes on a par-4).
  • Double bogey. When you finish the hole in 2 more strokes than the par (eg., 6 strokes on a par-4).
  • Fairway. Most fields have a stretch of shorter grass that leads to the hole. You generally don't want to leave this part of the field if you can at all avoid it.
  • Sand trap. Also known as bunkers, these sand-filled areas line fairways and guard the greens. Avoid them at all costs.
  • Mulligan. This is when you redo your previous shot because you don't like how it turned out. They're frequently used among friends and beginners.
  • Rough. Areas of longer grass that line the fairway are called this. Try to keep the ball out of them.
  • Lie. The way a ball is resting on the ground. A ball that has come to rest on the green or the fairway is said to have a "good lie", whereas a ball that's in the sand trap or the rough is considered to have a "bad lie".
  • Hazards. Tall grass, sand traps, water, rocks, and all the other parts of the landscape that make a golfer's life more difficult.
  • Green. This refers to the area of finely trimmed grass at the end of each hole. 
  • 19th hole. Affectionate term for a clubhouse bar.

Intermediate terms for advanced players include:

  • Par. How many strokes you should theoretically take to finish a particular hole. For instance, on a par-4 hole, you shouldn't need more than 4 strokes to get the ball in the hole.
  • Handicap. This is your "potential" average score in relation to par. Players who are high-handicappers are generally considered worse or inexperienced at the game of golf.
  • Ace. Also known as a hole-in-one, is the best score a golfer can get. It means you can put a nice, big "1" on the scoreboard. Aces happen so rarely that players who score them commonly buy their group a round of drinks to celebrate.
  • Gimme putt. This is when the ball is so close to the hole that putting it inside becomes a mere formality, in which case your fellow competitors may simply give you the putt to save time. 
  • Flop shot. These shots land softly after going very high into the air. They’re commonly done using a sand or lob wedge.
  • Fore. This is what you shout when you hit a bad shot. The goal is to alert all of the players on the field that a stray ball may be flying toward them.
  • Scratch. What every amateur player hopes to become one day. These skilled and experienced golfers have a handicap of 0, which means they usually shoot par or better.
  • Three-putt. This is when you need three putts to put the ball in the hole. If you find yourself getting these on a semi-regular basis, consider visiting an online golfing store and ordering a quality putter.
  • Shank. This is when you strike the ball with the hosel of the club. Avoid this at all costs.
  • Slope. This number attempts to determine how difficult a particular golf course is for the average amateur player. It ranges from 55-155, with higher values denoting a harder course.
  • Match play. When golfers go at it one on one and compete against one another on a hole-by-hole basis.
  • Divot. The chunk of earth you tear out of the ground after hitting a shot. Be sure to replace these.
  • Fat. A divot turns into this when you rip out too much turf after you hit your shot.
  • Caddie. The person who carries your clubs while the round is ongoing.
  • Ranger. This is an employee of the golf course whose job it is to make sure games are proceeding at an acceptable pace. If a ranger visits you, it means you're playing too slowly.

What is the best online golfing equipment store available today?

BombTech Golf specializes in designing, manufacturing, and selling modern golf club sets that combine quality materials, eye-catching aesthetics, and competitive pricing. Our products are sold directly to our customers through our online golfing equipment store, allowing us to offer better value than any of our competitors.

We're also passionate golfers in our own right and strive to share our love of the game with as many people as possible. Our blog is full of handy information, including a guide on how to prevent golf-related injuries, useful tips on how to manage different golf courses, how to golf in the rain like a pro, how to become good at winter golfing, and more.

Visit our online golf store today, or call us directly if you'd like to learn more about our company and our 60 day guarantees.

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10 Tips for Mastering Winter Golfing

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When you’re only getting started with golf, you’re probably going to avoid anything other than sunshine and warmth. And that’s good – we all start golfing in perfect weather conditions. However, as your passion for the game rises, you’ll want to brave the more adverse and adventurous weather conditions. And winter certainly can be tough. 

But it’s in no way an insurmountable obstacle. Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to make your birdies and save your pars, as well as have a blast with your friends. You do have to know that golf in the winter is not exactly the same game as in the summer. You have to prepare yourself accordingly. Let’s see what you have to do besides getting a high-quality set of hybrid golf clubs for sale.

How do I golf during winter?

Golfing during winter is all about proper preparation and slight changes in your equipment. It can be difficult and tough, but it can also be rewarding. Playing well in harsh weather will only boost your confidence and make you a better and more confident golfer. 

There are some general rules of winter golf. The conditions will probably be wet, the ball won’t travel as far, and you’ll probably take longer to loosen up your muscles and your swing. It will all be worth it, though. Just make sure to do all you can to prepare and to play with a good set of hybrid golf clubs:

1. Dress warm & stay warm

You have to dress warm and keep warm in order to play your best golf in the winter. Otherwise, your body and muscles will get stiff and you won’t be able to swing with all your power. 

Dressing for a round of winter golf means adding several layers for your upper body, including a tight-fitting layer underneath the polo as well as a vest, a sweater, and a windbreaker or a raincoat. For your pants, think about adding under slacks and putting on rain pants over it. 

2. Warm up better

Spending ample time warming up is essential for ensuring you do all you can to loosen up your muscles before the game. You have to take longer to warm up for playing golf in the winter. Do some stretching and light exercising to get your blood pumping. Also, slowly warm up at the range to avoid injuries.

3. Walk, don’t ride

It’s cold in the winter, and it sounds completely counterintuitive to advise walking instead of riding your cart. However, that’s exactly what you should do and you’ll stay warmer if you take this advice. Keeping your body moving will give it the added warmth and prevent you from cooling down between holes. 

4. Carry your bag

There’s another thing you should do while you’re walking from hole to hole, and that’s to carry your bag. This will not only leave less wear and tear on the wet winter course, but it will also be another helpful activity for keeping you warm. 

5. Change golf balls

This sounds too simple to be true, but it is, and it’s also really effective during winter. The harsher the conditions, the firmer balls you should use. If you use soft balls for winter golfing, you will only add more spin and shorten their distance. 

Also, if there are visibility problems, use a yellow ball to make things easier for yourself. Finally, keep your golf balls warm for better performance. 

6. Warm your hands up

Besides keeping your body and muscles warm, you should also pay attention to your hands. If they get cold, you will lose some of the feel in your shots. Also, it’s very difficult to warm your hands up again once they’re cold. 

7. Add loft

Cold weather means your ball won’t roll as far nor fly as far as it would in warm weather. You can offset this lost distance by increasing the loft on your shots. This will grant you additional carry and make it easier to hit straighter shots.

8. Adjust the driver

If you have an adjustable club, their versatility is a lifesaver during winter. You should add some loft to all your shots, but you can adjust your driver for more loft with a simple wrench tool. This will help you send the ball flying higher during your drives, increasing the carry. However, you don’t want to overdo it with adjusting your driver, as this can lead to ballooning shots. 

9. Bring more club to your game

It doesn’t matter if you’re a high-handicapper or a proficient player – golfing in the winter means you’ll be sending your balls flying a lot shorter than you normally would. Hitting harder is not the answer either – it will only result in short, fat shots you won’t be satisfied with. 

Instead, don’t be shy of clubbing up and planning for a distance of approximately ten yards less than you would normally achieve. 

10. Adjust putting

More moisture and longer grass on golf courses in the winter means there’s going to be more friction between the surface and the golf ball. Consequently, your rolls will be shorter, slower, and your putts will break less. You have to take all this into account when preparing for a winter putt. Otherwise, you could end up short. 

Where can I find quality hybrid golf club sets for sale?

Playing golf successfully during winter is just as difficult as learning how to play golf in rainy weather. Cold weather requires you to adjust both your techniques and equipment to suit the situation. It’s similar to how sometimes you have to make a change in your swing to get better at golf. Just to be clear, that doesn’t mean you can’t improve without changing your swing

Also, learning to play equally well in various weather conditions is just the beginning of truly enhancing your game. You also need to pay attention to the most common misconceptions about golf so you don’t fall prey to any of them. Finally, make sure to work on your mental game just as much as you work on your long and short game. But before all that – clubs!

And for the best clubs at a reasonable price – BombTech Golf. We cut out the middle men and we sell directly to our customers – exclusively online. This way, there are no massive overheads and you get a premium club in hand without breaking the bank. If you don’t like one of our clubs, which we doubt, return it within 60 days. Now check out our stock!

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5 Tips for Golfing in the Rain

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When all of us think about golfing, we imagine warm, sunny weather that’s just right. Not too hot, not too cold, but somewhere in the sweet golf spot. Playing golf and being outside in the gorgeous sunshine is one of those things that attract newcomers to this beautiful game. However, golf’s not always rainbows and butterflies and there’s more to it than just buying a complete set of men’s golf clubs

Sometimes, it’s going to rain and you’ll want to play. Or the weather’s going to be iffy to begin with, and it’ll start raining in the middle of your game. It is at these times that you have to be prepared. Golf is not impossible in the rain. In fact, it can be just as good. You do need to prepare though and that includes strategy as well as equipment. 

How do I play golf in the rain?

Now to the most important thing – how to actually golf when it’s raining. While it can be worrisome to the newly initiated, experienced golfers are well-versed in rainy golf. It will take some getting used to and you will have to adjust both your habits and your equipment. This is what you should pay attention to when preparing for the rain:

The necessary equipment

First things first, you need to have the right equipment to be able to properly golf in the rain. This is essential, as playing golf in poor weather conditions will quickly become insufferable without all the right gear for the show. 

Besides good men’s golf clubs, here’s what you need: 

  • Waterproof equipment: The first thing you should invest in if you plan on golfing in the rain is some high-quality waterproof gear. Good clothing will keep you dry even if it’s pouring rain. Also, make sure to have good shoes that will not get wet as you’re playing. Finally, get a bag cover to keep your clubs and other equipment from getting wet. 
  • Gloves: When the rain persists, you’ll need more than just a single pair of gloves for a round of golf. Always have one or, preferably, two spare gloves in your bag. Golfing with a wet glove can severely impact your game, so you need to ensure you have a dry one even when the weather doesn’t let up. 
  • Towel: When it’s rainy, keeping your grips dry becomes next to impossible. And, swinging with a wet grip is even worse than swinging with a wet glove. That’s why you should keep a towel or two handy and wipe your grips with it. You can even keep it on your umbrella frame for easy access. 
  • Umbrella: Speaking of umbrellas, you really do need a good one for a rainy game of golf, especially if the rain comes with some wind as an extra. You’re looking for strong construction, large size, and potentially vents that will prevent it from going inside-out under strong gusts of wind. 
  • Scorecard: Finally, if you’re keeping score, make sure to have an extra scorecard handy. There’s a great chance that your original one will get damp, making it difficult to keep score. If this happens, replace it with a fresh one you’ve prepared. 

The strategy you need to adopt

Once you’ve got all your gear sorted out, it’s time to think about your actual game. It’s one thing to play when it’s warm and sunny, and it’s another matter to play when it’s wet and chilly. This requires you to make changes to your game. 

Here’s what you should think about: 

1. Covering your clubs

You should pay attention and keep the clubs you’re not using covered at all times. This will allow your clubheads to make better contact without having to constantly wipe them down with your towel. Also, you probably won’t need to wipe your grips as frequently, creating a better flow even during rain. 

2. Avoid divots

Hitting your shots with as little divot as possible will ensure the water doesn’t impact your shots too much. Make your swing shallow and avoid making deep divots, as they will slow down your swing a lot more than they would in dry weather. 

3. Adjust for the wet course

Wet greens allow for slower and shorter rolls than dry greens. This means you have to be stranger and firmer with your putts as well. This is one of the most important adjustments you have to make for rainy golf. 

4. Plan for less run

Wet conditions impact the ground, which means that the golf ball won’t run as far as it usually would. And there’s no other way around it than to simply plan for it. However, this does mean that a high-quality set of men’s golf clubs will do the trick. Less run means you take firmer shots, which is where good clubs make all the difference. 

5. Hit firmly in the rough

When it comes to firm shots in the rain, you should really hit the ball hard if you find yourself in the rough. As the grass gets wet, it will grab your club a lot more than it normally would, slowing its progress. Keep your shots even firmer in the rough in order to get as farther away from it as possible with a single shot. 

Where can I buy a full set of high-quality men’s golf clubs?

Playing golf in the sun is one thing. Playing it in more demanding scenarios is something else. That is why you should not only know how to golf in the rain, but also learn how to play golf just as well in the winter. Yes, rain and possibly snow are nowhere near the ideal conditions for this beautiful game, but you have to be prepared for anything.

And don’t stop there. If you want to become a better golfer, you should also do everything you can to boost your mental game and learn more about the big golfing misconceptions so you know what to avoid. Finally, sometimes you will have to change your swing to boost your game, while at other times you can enhance your game without a change in your swing

However, you also need to think about your clubs and purchase the best ones at a price that will not make your eyes water. That’s what BombTech Golf is here to do! We make top-quality clubs at reasonable prices all golfers can afford. We sell only online and only directly to our customers – no middle men, no massive overhead. Browse our stock today!

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